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Madge Saunders Conference Center

Cost $15,000.00

Children’s Camp – July 6 – July 11 – Cancelled


Good Afternoon Colleagues in Ministry,

This missive serves to inform you that UNFORTUNATELY, Junior Camp scheduled
for July 13 – 18, 2024 is CANCELLED. This is primarily due to the reality
that Madge Saunders Conference is without electricity. The road leading to the conference centre consists of down power lines.

We are hoping that by the end of this week, electricity will be restored.

We are assessing the situation re camps week by week.

We are sensitive to the many challenges at this time caused by Hurricane Beryl. As we continue to process and to navigate the many challenges, it is the desire of the Camp Ministry to see how best we can facilitate our camps
for 2024.

With every blessing.
Tara Tyme (Rev)
Camp Administrator

Junior Camp – July 13 – July 18

Pacesetter’s Teen’s Camp – July 20 – July 25

Discovery Teen’s Camp – July 27 – August 1

Youth Encounter – August 3 – August 8