United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands


At the heart of Webster Memorial United Church, the Discipleship Ministry is dedicated to nurturing and equipping followers of Christ to grow deeper in faith, reflect the character of Christ in their daily lives, and live as effective stewards of God’s kingdom. This ministry focuses on the three pillars of Spiritual Disciplines, Sharing Christ, and Stewardship, ensuring that every member is spiritually empowered to live and share the gospel.

Led by Michele Lyttle and Sharon Lewis, the Discipleship Ministry offers a comprehensive approach to spiritual growth and development through its dynamic sub-ministries:

Bible Ministry

Aiming to deepen scriptural understanding, this sub-ministry promotes a vibrant culture of Bible engagement through its Bible Reading Plan and Bible Study series, helping members gain wisdom and spiritual strength from God’s Word.

Book Store

Encouraging spiritual growth through literature, the Book Store offers inspirational reading materials via flash sales, giveaways, and promotions. It ensures that resources for personal and communal growth are accessible to the entire congregation.

Cradle Roll

The Cradle Roll ministry provides nurturing support to families by offering parental guidance and maintaining meaningful connections with parents of babies blessed at Webster, fostering spiritual growth from the very start of life.

Church School

Focusing on teaching children the Word of God, Church School aims to instill a lifelong love for Christ and service to His Church by establishing a strong biblical foundation during childhood.

Faith Builders

This sub-ministry integrates new disciples and members into the faith, church family, and fellowship. Through long-term supportive relationships, it fosters Christ-like maturity and belonging within the church community.

Membership Guidance and Integration

Dedicated to embedding the core values of God’s Word into the lives of prospective members, this sub-ministry ensures that every new member is spiritually equipped to become active participants in the church’s mission.

Prayer Power

Recognising the power of prayer, this sub-ministry fosters a culture of intercession through individual, family, small group, and congregational prayer. It plays a pivotal role in encouraging spiritual growth and seeking awakening through prayer.

Tiny Tots for Christ

Catering to the youngest members, this ministry provides Christian care and stimulation for infants and toddlers during worship services, creating an engaging and nurturing environment for them.

Young Church

Focused on teens, Young Church shares and celebrates Christ in meaningful ways that resonate with young people, encouraging them to commit their lives to Him. It also empowers teens to grow as disciples and collaborate with others to transform communities, the nation, and the world.